
Our Quality Control procedures include localization, linguistic, and cosmetic testing and is used on all localized websites, software and online documentation. We do this to ensure that the localization process has not affected the functionality of the program and that the content displays correctly on its new native operating system.

Localization testing

The stages of MidLocalize localization testing:

  • Translated files are converted into either resource or application formats (.exe & .dll)
  • Custom test scripts are prepared to check the functionality of the screens, buttons, dialog boxes, links, formatting, character sets as well as linguistic issues, such as text placement, expansion, and sizing
  • All defects are logged and corrected in the source files
  • Files are sent to the client for a new build
  • When they are returned regression testing is performed, and the original test script is re-executed, with attention being paid particularly to previous problem areas
  • If linguistic defects are detected, these will be checked against the latest version
  • All the functionality defects are corrected by performing our engineers

Linguistic and cosmetic testing

Before a product – software, website, application – is released to the market, it has to pass the linguistic test. In this phase the product is examined by a native translator for all linguistic and target-locale-matching issues.

The types of errors which this test focuses on include:

  • Grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes
  • Adherence to the product’s guidelines and glossaries
  • Terminological inconsistencies in the User Interface items and Help files, e.g. between dialog boxes and menu files
  • Untranslated text or mistranslations that don’t make sense in a context
  • Not localized or incorrectly formatted national usage like names, addresses, dates, time and calendar formats
  • Incorrect text wrapping, hyphenation or sorting
  • Truncated text in dialog boxes and error messages
  • Culturally or politically improper pictures, symbols, colours or sounds
  • Non-displaying menus, commands, options or their appearance in the wrong order
  • Incorrectly aligned or sized buttons and control boxes
  • Incorrect display of regional settings, such as numeric formats or separators
  • Incorrectly aligned or corrupted text, e.g. in some scripts the letters of the alphabet take a different shape in a word than when on their own
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